Charles Henry

This was a marriage
of first cousins: Katherine Moeling Fitzenreiter's mother, Barbara
Christina Goos, was Emma M. Goos's sister.
Lake Charles, La. Nov.
23. Charles
Richards, 59, died yesterday morning at DeRidder after being
ill about three weeks. The body was brought here this morning
and the funeral was held at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the
residence of Frank Gallaugher. Services were at the Church of
the Immaculate Conception. Interment was in Goos cemetery.
Burke & Trotti, funeral directors, were in charge of
Mr. Richards was for many years a contractor in DeRidder.
Surviving relatives are his wife, his daughter, Mrs. Andrew
Swice of Westlake; two sisters, Mrs. Emile Jessen of Lake
Charles, and Mrs. Maurice Rosenthal of Lafayette, and one
DeRidder Man,
Formerly of Lake Charles, Buried Here Sunday
services for Charles Richards, 59, of DeRidder, former
resident of Lake Charles, who died at his home in DeRidder,
Saturday afternoon, were conducted from the residence of Frank
Gallaugher, Lake Charles, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock by the
Rt. Rev. Monsignor Hubert Cramers. Burial was in Goos
cemetery. Mr.
Richards was a grandson of Capt. Dan Goos, a resident of Lake
Charles, and Goosport up to the time of his death, and a
pioneer citizen of this section. Mr. Richards was a resident
of the DeRidder section for about 17 years, going there from
Lake Charles.
The survivors are the wife, Mrs. Katie Richards; a daughter,
Mrs. Andrew Swice of Westlake; a grand child, Richard Swice of
Westlake; two sisters, Mrs. Emile Jessen of Lake Charles, and
Mrs. Maurice Rosenthal of Lafayette. |