Letitia Florence

Born: |
December 5, 1872
in Bellview, Lake Charles, Louisiana |
Died: |
March 10,
1956 in Lake Charles, Louisiana |
Buried: |
March 12, 1956
in Goos Cemetery, Lake Charles, Louisiana (Map
1) |
Father: |
Lock |
Mother: |
Martha "Ellen" Goos |
Husband: |
John Arthur Simpson |
Married: |
February 1, 1894
in Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Charles,
Louisiana |
Ended: |
May 23, 1896 in
Lockport, Lake Charles, Louisiana (death of
husband) |
Husband: |
Peck Paret, Sr. |
Married: |
October 25, 1897
in Lake Charles, Louisiana |
Children: |
Peck Paret, Jr. |
Moeling Paret |
Lock Paret, Sr. |
Martha Paret |
Lake Charles Commercial, Saturday, February 3, 1894:
– Lock.
The Church of the Good Shepherd was crowded to its utmost capacity on last Thursday night, the occasion being the marriage of Miss Letitia Florence, the charming and accomplished daughter of Capt. and Mrs. Geo. Lock, to Mr. John Arthur Simpson, the handsome and ever obliging assistant cashier in The First National Bank. The Church was beautifully decorated with palms, evergreens and flowers and never before has the sacred edifice been the scene of so much beauty.
After the beautiful and impressive ceremony had been performed and the happy young couple pronounced man and wife, the bridal party were driven to the large and commodious hall in the Calcasieu bank building, which was also most tastefully decorated, where they held a reception
– the grandest and most elaborate affair ever witnessed in the history of Lake Charles
– and received the congratulations of their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were the recipients of many beautiful and useful bridal presents. The happy young couple left on the 2:47 a.m. train for New Orleans.
May the new life which has dawned so brightly for the young couple continue through many years, is the wish of the COMMERCIAL.
Lake Charles Echo, Friday, February 9,1894, p. 3:
SIMPSON – LOCK. – On Thursday, Feb. 1st, 1894, Mr. J. A. Simpson to Miss Letitia Lock.
Mr. Simpson is the popular assistant cashier of the First National Bank, while the bride is the daughter of Capt.
Geo. Lock, of the firm of Lock, Moore & Co.
Lake Charles American Press,
March 12, 1956, p. 1:
Burial Rites Set
Today for Mrs. Paret, 83
services for Mrs. Letitia Lock Paret, 83, member of a pioneer
family of this area, were to be held at 3 p.m. today at the
Burke funeral home with Rev. Robert L. Crandall, pastor of the
Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd,
Burial will be in Goos
cemetery. She
died at 11:56 p.m. Saturday at her home at 1517 Shell Beach
Drive after a 10-year
illness. Mrs.
Paret was the daughter of Capt. George Lock and Ellen Goos
Lock, and the granddaughter of Capt. Daniel Goos, one of the
early schooner captains settling in Calcasieu
parish. She was
born in the Prien Lake Area, and lived here all of her life
except the period between 1900 and 1918 when she lived in
Missouri, Idaho, Colorado and
California. Her
husband was the late Milner P. Paret, a Lake Charles
Mrs. Paret had been active in the Episcopal church and during
World War I assisted in Red Cross work. She maintained an
interest in a number of charitable, civic and welfare
Surviving are two sons, G. Lock Paret of Lake Charles and
Milner P. Paret of El Paso, Texas; two daughters, Mrs. Irene
Paret Richardson and Mrs. Helen Paret Dunk, both of Lake
Charles; five grandchildren; and 11
Pallbearers are Richard A. Anderson, Richard H. Weeks, G. Lock
Paret Jr., J. Albert Bel, Winston A. Martin, George T.
Return to Letitia
Florence Lock and Milnor Peck Paret, Sr. |