
Born: |
December 2, 1840
in New Orleans, Louisiana |
Died: |
July 6, 1903 in
Lake Charles, Louisiana |
Buried: |
July 7, 1903 in Goos Cemetery,
Lake Charles, Louisiana (Map
9) |
Father: |
Mother: |
Wife: |
Christina Goos |
Married: |
March 19,
1868 in St. Peter's
Episcopal Church, New Orleans, Louisiana |
Children: |
Louise Fitzenreiter |
Francis Fitzenreiter |
Moeling Fitzenreiter |
Fitzenreiter |
Fitzenreiter |
John Hamilton
Fitzenreiter |
Christina "Babette" Fitzenreiter |
Leo Fitzenreiter, Sr. |
Letitia Fitzenreiter |
Jewell, Edwin L., Jewell's
Crescent City Illustrated, 1874, c 1873, p.
Administrator of the Water Works and Public Buildings of the
city of New Orleans is the youngest member of the Board,
having just attained the age of thirty-two years. The duties
devolving upon him are of an important and responsible nature,
and in the short time he has had charge of this department of
the city government, he has evinced great aptitude and
acquired a knowledge of all the details of the office that
promise to make him an efficient and popular officer. His
administration so far has been highly satisfactory to the
public and gratifying to his many friends. Mr. Fitzenreiter
received only a common school education, acquiring a knowledge
of the English, French and German languages, completing his
studies in the 3d District High School of this city, then
under the charge of Professors Rapier, Canonge and
Loquet. In 1856
he entered the service of the Tow Boat Association, and
continued there employed until the commencement of the late
war. Then as a Lieutenant of the 22d Louisiana Volunteers he
enlisted in the Confederate service. Subsequently he joined
Fenner's Battery as a private, and there served until the
close of the
war. Upon the
restoration of peace we find Mr. Fitzenreiter again renewing
his connection with the Tow Boat Association, a position he
filled until November, 1872, when, by a large and flattering
majority of his fellow-citizens, he was elected Administrator
of Water Works and Public Buildings, the office he now
occupies. In all
the relations of life, Mr. Fitzenreiter is an exemplary young
man. Polite and affable in manners, warm-hearted and generous
nature, strictly honorable and correct in all his dealings, no
young man in the city has a brighter future before him, and no
one more friends to aid and encourage him on the road to
usefulness and success.
Lake Charles
American-Press, July 7, 1903:
Fitzenreiter Passes Away at his Home Yesterday Evening. Was
at His Store as Usual Tuesday Vertigo the Direct
From Wednesday's
Daily. Universal
sorrow was felt all over the city this morning when the sudden
death of genial Charles Fitzenreiter, the grocer, was
announced. Mr. Fitzenreiter was attacked by vertigo at the
store yesterday morning and by advice of Dr. Fisher, who was
called, he went home for the rest of the day. After seeing him
safely home, his son who accompanied him, returned to the
city. Along
yesterday evening, Mr. Fitzenreiter complained of pains in his
head to which he had been subjected since he received a wound
during the war. By his wife's solicitation, Dr. Fisher was
again summoned and in a few minutes after he arrived, the
gentle, kindly spirit took flight with scarcely a sign of
"Charlie Fitzenreiter" as every body knew him, despite his
sixty-two years, was a native of New Orleans, where he lived
until the outbreak of the civil war. He then joined the 22nd.
Louisiana Volunteers as lieutenant, and afterward became a
member of Fenner's battery, in which he served until the
surrender of Lee and the close of the struggle. After the was
he rejoined the Towboat association, of which he became a
member in 1856, and in 1872 was elected administrator of
public buildings and waterworks, in which position he served
for a considerable time. In 1883 he moved to Lake Charles,
where he engaged in the sawmilling business and afterward in
the mercantile business until the day of his
death. In 1867
Mr. Fitzenreiter was married to Miss Babette Goos, who
survives him with five children. Mrs. Charles Richards of
Oakdale, Mrs. Constance McCain, Misses Nellie and Babette, and
Mr. Fitzenreiter was in the best sense of the word a public
spirited citizen. He was ever anxious for the advancement of
the community, and frequently urged measures through the
American for its betterment; but his spirit was never a
rancorous or fault finding one. His was the sunny spirit of
the philosopher, and he possessed the saving grace of humor
which amused and instructed all without hurting
one. Not only
his family but all with whom he came in contact will feel his
loss; for he had the wisdom of the sage, coupled with the rare
forbearance of the philosopher. Now he is gone; but the
sweetest thought he left behind was that the only sorrow
caused by his existence was its untimely termination. The
funeral takes place from his residence at 4 o'clock this
The funeral
of Charles Fitzenreiter, late member of the Famous Fenners
Louisiana battery of New Orleans, took place from his late
residence on Tuesday evening, under the auspices of Calcasieu
Camp No. 63 U. C. V. The funeral services were conducted
partially at the residence by the veterans after which the
cortege proceeded to the Catholic church where services were
conducted by Father
Peters. After
services remains were taken to the family resting place at
Goosport for final interment: here the beautiful and
impressive ceremony were concluded, conducted by Chaplain M.
E. Shaddock, after which Comrade W. H. Albertson delivered a
few impressive remarks upon the death of our late comrade
which struck deep into the hearts of the assembly and the old
guard of veterans. The funeral was in charge of Major W. A.
Knapp. The coffin was covered over with the Confederate battle
flag and the pall bearers were Major W. H. Albertson, Surgeon
L. C. Richardson, Adjutant Phil Jacobs, Chaplain M. E.
Shaddock, Lieutenant J. C. LaBleu, M. J. Guzman, C. P.
Hampton, E. H. Green, Z. Langley and Eugene