Cora Louise

Lake Charles Commercial,
Saturday, November 15, 1884, p. 3:
FITZENREITER – At the residence of her parents in the
town of Lake Charles, on Monday, November 10, 1884, at 4:15
a.m., Miss Cora Louise Fitzenreiter, a native of New Orleans,
eldest daughter of Charles Fitzenreiter and Babbett C. Goos,
in the 16th year of her
age. Again has
death invaded the Home circle and torn from its midst a loved
and cherished one. But a few days ago we bid her good-bye,
hoping she would soon recover, and sad indeed was the news
that came speeding over the wires that she was no more.
Mysterious indeed are Thy ways, O God! We know not why this
affliction should fall upon us, but Thou hast said, in Thy
Holy Word, that "whom the Lord loveth, He chasteneth." It may
be that our hearts are straying too far from Him who loves us
so much, and He has taken one more to Himself, that we poor
bereft ones might follow them and be saved. Be comforted, dear
parents, your Cora is not dead, but has only passed into Life
eternal, where no more pain can reach her, and where she is
now reunited with the dear ones so recently gone before.
Though young in years, she gave evidence, by her daily walk,
that she was indeed one of God's children. Seldom has it been
the writer's privilege to know one more devoted to her
religious duties. Lovely in person, lovely in character, she
now shines a bright angel in Heaven. May God bless and comfort
the bereaved ones, and reunite them in that House where
partings come no
more. R. B.
W. New Orleans, Nov. 11, 1884. |