Catherine Barbara
"Katie" Funk

Della Bel Krause:
This child
was a hunchback. When she was tiny, her nurse was pulling her
in a little wagon. She fell out and broke her back. As she
grew older she was very sensitive about her deformity, and
would crawl under the bed in "Little Grandma's" (Marie Garig
Moeling) room and hide. The story is told that "Little
Grandma" said that she did not have much longer to live on the
earth, and that the child was so pitiful that when she died
she would try to take her with her. True or false, not long
after her death, the child did die. Her mother Madora was
living at the time on St. John's Island. She ran for help in
the middle of the night, leaving the two other children alone
with the child. Altho (sic) she took a lantern with her, she
got lost in the swamp, and really never recovered from this